четверг, 26 апреля 2018 г.

AFRICUNIA Digital Bank basado en la tecnología Blockchain

AFRICUMAN BANK, donde se creó la tecnología bancaria innovadora para crear moneda digital e inversión financiera.
Somos  personas talentosas, apasionadas y trabajadoras de todo el continente,  que combinan esfuerzos para administrar la codificación, crear y  desarrollar relaciones en el ámbito financiero. Nuestro liderazgo tiene una base sólida en tecnología financiera,  criptomoneda, capital de riesgo, emprendimiento, desarrollo de  productos, gestión de activos y regulación legal.
Después de establecer un sistema de red con la tecnología Blockchain,  nuestro objetivo es crear tecnología y una ola de revolución social que  abra la asistencia médica, los seguros y los departamentos  gubernamentales modernos.
Como tercera generación de Digital Bank utilizaremos Internet para conocer la ola de moneda digital. Una  vez que hayamos aplicado nuestra estúpida metodología de prueba,  nuestros estándares alinearán su tecnología con el objetivo de la  innovación responsable. Al igual que cualquier otro banco convencional, no estableceremos una sucursal ni una oficina física. Seremos accesibles para personas de todos los ámbitos de la vida durante el día y la noche.
Nuestro  banco ofrece la mayoría de los tokens (AFCASH) en forma de inversiones  totalmente orientadas a cifrado o vinculados a transacciones con monedas  de oro y divisas. Las partes interesadas en la descentralización, la transparencia y el intercambio pueden aprovechar nuestra plataforma.
La confianza del inversionista se incrementará una vez que el fondo simbólico haya sido aprobado por el asesor legal. Los factores de riesgo se transformarán en oportunidades para sostener el proceso de inversión.
Mediante el desarrollo de plataformas estándar, las grandes inversiones se retirarán a través de un fondo simbólico. Nuestro Banco cree que continuaremos introduciendo estándares de  la industria con el propósito de establecer un foro de inversión de  fichas.
5. La apertura y la rendición de cuentas se elaborarán a través de  los intereses de los fondos y las participaciones en los beneficios.
El  administrador de inversiones obtendrá la aprobación utilizando la  plataforma AFRICANIA BANK para permitirles establecer y ejecutar un  fondo de inversión simbólico. Esto es posible sin pasar por el desarrollo de la carga útil e infraestructura de TI.
ÁFRICA planea escalar para ofrecer productos bancarios tradicionales y  emergentes en una era de Blockchain impulsada por la tecnología, que  eventualmente se convierte en una ventanilla única para todos los  requisitos bancarios.
Estamos  en el proceso de implementar AFCASH, basado en criptografía en el  Algoritmo de consenso del protocolo de AFRICUNIA (APCA) para abordar los  problemas parciales de verdad, consenso y utilidad actualmente  resueltos. Nuestro principal objetivo es desarrollar nuevos estándares para la  inversión forestal que actuará como un catalizador para cerrar la brecha  entre fiduciario y criptomonedas.
Ofrecemos  una visión para los nuevos estándares de vehículos de inversión  tokenizados que ayudarán a cerrar la brecha entre los universos  convencionales y de criptografía. En particular, la plataforma AFCASH será una solución de ventanilla  única para administradores de activos que desean crear y administrar los  fondos apropiados.
En  esencia, AFRICUNIA BANK implementará los beneficios de la tecnología  Blockchain en todo el mundo de la inversión tradicional. Si alguna vez duda en utilizar la tecnología Blockchain para una inversión clásica, entonces nuestro AFCASH es su solución. Combina todos los aspectos de la inversión de vehículos tokenizados  que van desde la tecnología hasta la infraestructura y el cumplimiento  legal para crear “criptomonedas” responsables.
Visualiza  un banco que ofrece los mejores servicios financieros y de inversión  disponibles para todos sin limitaciones, donde puede almacenar y  administrar de manera segura sus activos criptográficos, y donde puede  realizar transacciones e intercambios de forma segura y rápida. Está aquí ahora – su banco y mercado financiero – AFRICA.
Para permanecer dentro de los límites de la banca convencional, utilizaremos la API (Agente de pago autorizado) para usar
estándares de servicio e innovaciones apropiadas.
La  base de AFRICUNIA BANK es un aumento en el capital invertido de acuerdo  con el desarrollo del cliente que a su vez maximiza los beneficios. Además, en lo que respecta a la seguridad tecnológica, nuestra arquitectura de red está descentralizada. Por  lo tanto, el instrumento debe vincular el almacenamiento de datos, el  cifrado criptográfico y los mecanismos de seguridad para la  identificación, autenticación y autorización de individuos o empresas. Sin embargo, el procesamiento de datos se realiza automáticamente utilizando el algoritmo AI aplicado. En esta página hay algunas de nuestras tecnologías.
My Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1756860


The safest exchange platform for cash & crypto currencies worldwide

With the emergence of new coins in the form of an increasing number of fake projects put serious-minded creators and innovators and positive thinkers of beautiful and promising projects on the hard-to-get side. However, a great and talented person who has followed my posts and recommendations on ICO will get me to see that a real project with huge profit capacity is still out there that just stresses us, bloggers, sections to find and share. I am here again to present to you another moving cryptocurrency to meet the horrific prospective needs ofcryptonaires in terms of investment and the rest of the world in terms of services and utilities. KONIOS has been a project with a healthy team and a great vision that is encoded in its services and utilities.
Konios has developed and programed platforms for all crypto fans around the world to enable them to enter the crypto world with cash. Easy access to
Koniosplatform only requires smartphone and Internet connection. This transaction is based on the principle of exchange developed in Switzerland, without the use of banks or other intermediaries. The exchange occurs face-to-face (F2F) with other users of the platform. The transaction process is precisely structured and is subject to the highest security rules. It was built by five security keys and the participants made the exchange with just four clicks on their smartphone.
In order to keep the transactions secure and the fees low, the own blockchain, which validates and registers all transactions and activities locally within the platform, is designed. It serves as a basis for the use of all cryptocurrencies without paying the respective chain fees. The Smart Contracts monitors and checks the transactions and all processes within the platform.
Active users of the platform will benefit from our reward system. This also increases the security of the platform and supports the worldwide acceptance of the exchange procedure. After each transaction, evaluations are given by the exchange partners. The evaluations give an insight into the professional behavior of the exchange partner. The reward and penalty parameters stored in the Smart-Contract sort incorrect behavior and reward the users for their positive contribution.
What is Konios?
Konios was created by a duo composed by Patrik Krasnic (CEO) and Mikel Krasniqi (CTO). The duo mixes the ability of e-commerce by Krasnic and the development abilities of Krasniqi. With a team of about 10 other professionals and four advisors.
As stated before, the goal of Konios is to create easy solutions for people who want to invest in cryptocurrencies. Its platform will offer an easy way to buy and sell crypto and cash out whenever you want. The company believes that restrictions and regulations are bad for the blockchain market because they will hold the industry back from growing, so the solution is deregulation.
The company is also offering a place for posting services on the platform and be paid with cryptocurrency or fiat currency, which will make it more than an exchange. You can also offer products if you want. You just have to photograph them and then you will be able to sell them anytime that you want to.
How to Use Konios?
At the moment, you cannot use Konios because the platform is still not operational, but it will be during 2018 (on Alpha and Beta phase). The tokens of the company, KON tokens, will be necessary for you to access the services. You can get them on the sale or in airdrops.
The Konios ICO will start on May 1 and it will last 60 days. 1 KON token will be equivalent to $0,01 USD. You can use Bitcoin, Ethereum, USD, CHF, GBP, EUR, RMB and KRW to pay via wallet transfer or bank wire transfer.
4% of the total KON tokens will be for early supporters who can receive airdrop by registering with the company.
The Konios Timeline
The Konios platform was planned during most of 2017 and it finally started its development at the end of the year. The sales will happen during 2018 and also the first tests of the Alpha version of the Konios platform. If everything goes according to the company’s plan, the Beta version will launch in November and the platform will finally be released on 2019.
The calendar of the company goes until January 2020, when the KON tokens will be given to the development team.
The Konios ICO (KON Tokens) Verdict
Konios might have a discourse which speaks of revolution, but it was a quite a normal company, actually. It can work as an exchange, a financial platform and even a marketplace, but nothing of this is very revolutionary or new, so be aware of that before you invest in Konios.
The Ads Bounty phase will start on April 1, 2018
If you are active on Twitter, Telegram, Youtube or another social platform,
we offer you a token of appreciation for your support.
  • ICO start : MAY 1, 2018
  • Price : 1 KON = 0,01 USD
  • ICO duration : 60 days
  • 0–2 000 000 000 KON
  • +35% EXTRA BONUS
  • TOTAL: 700 000 000 KON
  • 2 000 000 000–2 600 000 000 KON
  • +20% EXTRA BONUS
  • TOTAL: 120 000 000 KON
  • 2 600 000 000–2 900 000 000 KON
  • +10% EXTRA BONUS
  • TOTAL: 30 000 000 KON
Accepted currencies
Bitcoin / Ethereum
Payment methods
Wallet to wallet
Bank wire
Reward system 7%Team & Founders 5%Konios AG 5%Advisors 2%Presale 2%ICO 75%
           For more information, visit;



The rapid growth of the crypto-currency market has attracted attention of governments, regulators, and classic financial institutions. In January 2018 the global crypto-currency market just passed the $700 billion in value and it is expected to reach 5 trillion USD by 2021. It is obvious that crypto assets are here to stay and attract new users and followers.
Despite the fact that there are dozens of cryptocurrency exchanges on the market, there is still a room for new generation of Exchanges on the market. New exchanges have to be clean from the start, to follow regulation rules, KYC/AML/CTF procedures.
We expect some of the existing exchanges with unclear or doubtful origin will be shut down within next two years. Due to their uncertain origin they won’t be able to build positive and long-term working relations with governmental authorities, regulators and financial institutions. We estimate that within next two years dozens of new exchanges will be launched, before the market achieves visible saturation.
There are number of problems/issues with the existing exchanges, which we will rectify and solve at AIREXE crypto-fiat exchange.
AIREXE will strictly follow and comply to regulations, licensing requirements, taxation and will operate completely legally.
The Vision
AIREXE will be the most convenient crypto-fiat exchange for the beginners and professional crypto-traders alike. AIREXE will be compliant with regulatory and tax authorities from the day one. With the latest applicable securities to ensure protection of our clients’ assets and mobile convenience, AIREXE will drastically improve the volume and availability of crypto market. The new generation of the crypto-fiat exchange with the main focus on clients, security and compliance.
Solution by AIREXE
AIREXE will rectify all the above mentioned problems. It will be built and launched with the focus on:
The highest security measures — the latest technologies in authentication and biometrics for mobile users
Cooperation with regulators and governments. Following regulations. Licensing. Taxation.
Responsive Customer Support — 24/7 live customer support, with timely response
Fast start and tutorials for newbies traders
Transparency of the project ownership
Attention to mobile users — a truly device-neutral exchange with native App
Integration with new blockchains (as example — integration with TON, Telegram Open Network)
Rating agency and analytics — provide cryptocurrency professional analytics and ratings for projects, tokens and cryptocurrencies
Recommendation for AIREXE TAO participants
  1. For ordinary people, without trading or cryptocurrency experience
    If you don’t have any experience with cryptocurrency assets or with its trading at cryptocurrency exchanges, you can start now smoothly. We recommend you to contribute or invest relatively small amounts of money into cryptocurrency. Buy AIRX tokens. See how it works, learn, benefit, and then you can do more.
    Recommended contribution: 1–5 ETH
  2. For newbie traders
    If you are among those who just recently started trading with or investing in cryptocurrency, then for your benefit it would be great to go at AIREXE exchange and expand your positive experience. Take AIRX tokens to feel yourself comfortable while trading.
    Recommended contribution: 2–10 ETH
  3. For HODLers
    If you consider yourself as an investor in cryptocurrency for long terms, then investing in ARIEXE exchange AIRX tokens is great choice for you.
    Recommended contribution: 5–20 ETH
  4. For professional traders
    We are sure that you are familiar with all the problems of existing exchanges. We offer you a way to overcome them and give yourself a perfect workplace with AIREXE. Your trade volumes are high, and commission fees are also large. Use AIRX tokens to get rid of commission fees with AIREXE. Use AIRX to discover extended functionality for professional traders.
    Recommended contribution: 10 ETH and more
  5. For ICOs and other project with own tokens or coins
    If you completed token sale or just about to start it, listing your tokens/coins at AIREXE exchanges is a very good option for you. Use AIRX tokens to pay for listings.
    Recommended contribution: 10 ETH and more
    AIRX token sale
    AIREXE token name: AIRX Token digits: 18
    Tokenized Assets Offering token sale begins on 19-March-2018 and lasts until 30-April-2018
    Token Standard: blockchain Ethereum, ERC-223 standard (including ERC20 standard)
    Smart contract address: [will be published on 15-March-2018]
    Price of AIRX: between 0.008 and 0.01 ETH per 1 AIRX depending on payment amount.
    I.e., from 100 to 125 AIRX per 1 ETH (for details see next page)
    Minimal contribution: any amount greater than 0.1 ETH
    Soft Cap: 950,000 USD
    Project goal: 16,000,000 USD
    Hard Cap: 32,000,000 USD
    NOTE: In case Soft Cap is not reached, then all contributed funds will be returned back to contributors within 15 days after TAO end date
    NOTE: By participating in AIREXE TAO, you have agreed to the AIREXE Terms and Conditionshttps://airexe.io/airexe_terms_and_conditions.pdf
    How to purchase AIRX tokens
    Buy with ETH. Send ETH to AIREXE smart contract
    To buy AIRX tokens send ETH from your Ethereum wallet to smart contract address: [will be published on 15-March-2018]
    AIRX tokens will be send back to your address immediately.
    Price of AIRX depend on your contribution amount:
    0.01 ETH per 1 AIRX for payments less than 2 ETH (i.e 1 ETH = 100 AIRX)
    0.009 ETH per 1 AIRX for payments from 2 ETH up to 10 ETH (i.e 1 ETH = 110 AIRX)
    0.008 ETH per 1 AIRX for payments from 10 ETH and more (i.e 1 ETH = 125 AIRX)
    NOTE: Do not send ETH from any of the exchanges (such as Binance, Kucoin, Coinbase, Kraken, Polioniex, Bitfinex, Bitstamp, Bittrex, and any other exchange) or Freewallet.
    Send ETH only from your own ERC20-compatible wallet that you hold the private key to, such as: MyEtherWallet, MetaMask, Mist, imToken, Parity, Nano s, Keep Key, Trust, Cipher, MEW with Ladger, MEW with Trezor.
    Buy with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum Classic
    Minimal contribution amount in BTC, LTC, BCH or ETC should be greater than equivalent of 10 ETH.
    Purchases of AIRX with BTC, LTC, BCH or ETC are being done in manual mode after agreement with AIREXE administrator. Write to administrator Telegram @alex_james, https://t.me/alex_james. to agree on all the details of AIRX token purchase.
    Special bonus for large contributors
    If you purchased and own a total of 15,500 AIRX tokens, then for you trading at AIREXE crypto-fiat exchange will be free for lifetime (0% trading fee).
AIREXE crypto-fiat exchange pre-registration and pre-verification
We invite you to pre-register and pre-verify yourself at AIREXE exchange. Pre-registration and verification will be launched in a few days after start of Tokenized Assets Offering (ICO) and will be held under the following link: https://airexe.io/register.html
If you pre-registered and verified, you will not have to wait for your verification when AIREXE exchange is launched and you will be the first who can trade at AIREXE immediately.
You can also earn some free extra AIRX tokens for each new user registered and verified at AIREXE exchange with your referral link (referral link provided after pre-registration at AIREXE).
Teams and Advisors
The team provided here is the Core Team of our AIREXE project. The core team of the AIREXE project consists of a total of 25 people for development, launch and operation. Additional team members will be hired to gain customer support and other parts of the project. AIREXE will use some professional subcontractor companies for some types of works and services (such as for security and audit services, smart contract and blockchain audit, optimization, etc.).
AIREXE Contacts and Media
Author: Ditrix1988
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1756860

Etheera ICO LIVE.

The modern pace of life implies a frequent change of housing. Moreover, crossings are not only within the country, but all over the world. This requires an increase in the professionalism of people engaged in the rental and sale of real estate. Service should be conducted at a high level, and customer requests are fully met.
The Etheera platform https://www.etheera.com/ is the brainchild of a Swiss company, whose main activity is real estate. Employees of the company have a wide experience of work, they know the market and have an established network of contacts with partners, owners of real estate and land, potential buyers. The Etheera project is a decentralized site for working with real estate. It can be used both by individuals and firms. The platform will provide a set of tools for simple and productive work.

At the moment, companies involved in the rental and sale of premises and housing mainly work at the local level. They cover small areas and provide customers with a limited amount of offers. Most of the processes on these firms are done manually, which reduces efficiency. Solve these and other issues are taken by the developers of the project Etheera. The platform, based on blockchain technology, will expand the boundaries of the proposed options. The site will be able to serve an unlimited number of customers. Blockchain will provide transparent pricing, will reduce the commission costs of customers. This project is people-centered and its development depends entirely on the decisions of customers.
Fundraising is announced for the development of the platform. ICO will be held until April 30, 2018. The ETA Token is Etheera’s own ERC20 money symbol. The cost of 1 ETA is equivalent to 0.000002 ETH. In different periods of the ICO you can get a bonus. Until March 31, the bonus amount will be 20%, from April 1 to April 14 – 10%.

The Etheera platform will help you get information about real estate in different countries, regardless of the location of the client. She will find suggestions that meet any request and wishes. A number of IT-tools will be available on the site, which will facilitate the work and help to obtain the most detailed information on the objects of interest. Etheera will be a godsend for brokers and individuals. Rent a house, choose and buy an apartment using the platform will be simple and reliable. It is planned to constantly update the tools and add new functions on the site for efficient and reliable operation. Developers Etheera believe that their project will become a global portal for working with real estate.


Quick Crypto!

The wonderful world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, in general, have matured from a budding idea to a full-fledged market madness. Hopefully, you’re savvy with the specific terminology and ready to start putting your money where your mouth and technology is. Some say that to build a small fortune of digital money you need a large fortune of fiat money. However, that’s not the case, by investing smart and being patient will eventually pay off.
At the current stage of the crypto world, the existing solutions lack an intuitive user experience making it harder for the vast masse of people to flock into the market.
How many cryptocurrency offerings are there? Over 850 are currently listed on CoinMarketCap. Before you decide which one to blow your speculation money on, make sure you have all your crypto-ducks in a row. The acute need for a central point of interest regarding the crypto world is currently a low hanging fruit that’s up for grabs!

Introducing BeEasy!

The BeEasy platform aims to become the first “one-stop-shop” ecosystem that provides a full array of crypto-related services through a friendly and easy to use user experience. In order to pull this off, the platform needs to be beginner friendly but appeal to the professionals as well. BeEasy seems to be the answer to this dilemma. By employing features like:

BeEasy: A gateway into the crypto world!

The team at BeEasy have created an ecosystem that incorporates the most popular features of the crypto world. Some of these features would have to be the following:

Decentralized Passport Authentication

Your all-in-one passport that grants access to a broad spectrum of sought-after blockchain and cryptocurrency tools that are available on the BeEasy platform.

Easy-Play: mining of things

By implementing a revolutionary gamified version of actual mining processes that are called “mining stuff”, the participants will receive exclusive rewards and services, unique to the BeEasy platform.

Easy-Pool: professional grade mining solution

Access to a multicurrency pool featuring a state of the art management system. Some of the coins available in these pools: ETC, Zcash, Monero, Decred and other newly added ones on a regular basis.
By using the Easy-Pool feature, users will be able to control their account via a proprietary bot or specific mobile apps to quickly view and manage their current holdings.

Easy-Trade: convenient trading platform

After gaining these hard-earned crypto assets, users will be able to trade them for profit. The BeEasy platform will incorporate a state of the art trading exchange that’s based on the popular MetaTrader software. Features like Margin Trading and different cryptocurrency pairs will be available.

Easy-Care: donating made easy

The BeEasy team strives to make the ecosystem as socially aware as possible; thus users of the Easy-Trade branch will have the opportunity to give to a charitable cause of their choice. By redirecting a portion of their profit margin from the control panel, charities will receive your donation transparently and reliably through the Easy-Care feature.
Please check the:

Invox Finance


Apa ituInvox Finance ?
  • Invox Finance Pty Ltd didirikan oleh anggota tim ABR Finance Pty Ltd, sebuah perusahaan pembiayaan faktur yang sukses yang berbasis di Australia. Karena tim kami saat ini sedang mengalami fase ekspansi, silakan kunjungi situs web kami (www.invoxfinance.io) untuk mendapatkan informasi terbaru tentang tim kami.
Apa itu Pembiayaan Faktur?
  • Pembiayaan faktur tradisional didasarkan pada pembelian pemodal faktur dari penjual.
    Sebagai imbalannya, pemodal setuju untuk memajukan uang ke penjual terhadap setiap faktur Pembeli yang membeli produk penjual harus membayar faktur langsung ke pemodal.
Pembiayaan Faktur?
Isu utama pembiayaan faktur tradisional adalah pemodal membeli faktur dari penjual dan memajukan dana Terhadapnya tidak ada hubungan langsung dengan pembeli. Itu pemodal hanya mempercayai informasi yang diberikan oleh penjual. Sebagai Hasilnya, hubungan antara penjual dan pembeli tidak benar-benar transparan kepada pemodal, dan karena itu menghadapkan pemodal risiko yang cukup besar dari faktur yang tidak dibayar sebagai
disepakati atau diperdebatkan
Token Type: Utilitas token
Token Ticker: INVOX
Tingkat Emisi: Tidak ada koin baru yang akan dibuat
Jaringan Token: Ethereum (ERC20)
Distribusi: Token akan didistribusikan 14 hari setelah penjualan token berakhir.
Nilai Token: 1 INVOX = 0,0001 ETH
Token Invox akan dibuat di jaringan Ethereal dengan menggunakan standar ERC-20 dan akan memiliki kegunaan berikut:
  • menyediakan akses ke platform melalui Program Anggota Tepercaya Pekerjaan -baik dilakukan untuk platform. Artinya, sistem akan memberi penghargaan kepada pembeli dan penjual dengan Token Invox untuk verifikasi faktur, pembayaran
  • Kami mengumpulkan dana untuk mengembangkan sistem, memasarkan layanan dan membangun komunitas. Tim pendiri telah menginvestasikan lebih dari $ 500.000 AUD tunai pada penyelesaian ICO.Invox Finance bermaksud untuk menawarkan Token Invox kepada investor institusi dan ritel untuk membantu mendanai evolusi pembiayaan faktur. Anda juga bisa mendapatkan
    terlibat dengan bergabung dengan komunitas Invox Finance dan berpartisipasi dalam
    program bounty
  • Token Invox akan memberikan hak kepada pemegangnya untuk mengakses Platform Invox Finance melalui Program Anggota Tepercaya.
    Dengan berpartisipasi di ICO dua tahap Invox Finance, Anda akan diberikan dengan
    peluang untuk mendapatkan Token Invox dengan harga diskon
ICO dijalankan dalam dua bagian dengan sistem bonus yang memberi penghargaan kepada peserta di pra-ICO serta selama ICO itu sendiri. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi www.invoxfinance.io.
author by: Ditrix1988

воскресенье, 22 апреля 2018 г.


Сrуptо іs nоt just аbоut gеttіng rісh fаst. Сrуptо есоsуstеm іs grоwіng wіth thе vаluе оf сrуptо mаrkеt саp, аnd іnfrаstruсturе іs bеіng buіlt upоn Blосkсhаіn tесhnоlоgу. Сrуptосurrеnсу spасе іs grоwіng bіggеr аnd bіggеr bу thе dау. А lоt оf pеоplе аrе еntеrіng thеsе wіld mаrkеts hоpіng tо gеt rісh оr lеаrn sоmеthіng аbоut Blосkсhаіn tесhnоlоgу. But А lоt оf сооl prоjесts аrе rеfоrmіng thе prосеssеs аnd busіnеss, аnd еvеn thе wоrld аs wе knоw іt.
Thе subjесt оf оur nеxt stоrу іs а сrуptо prоjесt, саllеd Оmnіtudе ( https://оmnіtudе.tесh/ ). Thеу аrе buіldіng а dесеntrаlіzеd plаtfоrm whісh wіll sоlvе mаnу prоblеms wе аrе fасіng rіght nоw іn thе сrуptо wоrld. Thеу аrе puttіng tоgеthеr twо mоst pеrspесtіvе fіеlds tоdау. Blосkсhаіn tесh аnd е-соmmеrсе. Е-соmmеrсе іs quісklу bесоmіng а prеfеrrеd wау tо buу thіngs fоr mаnу pеоplе. Іt prоvіdеs соnvеnіеnсе аnd sаvеs mоnеу аnd tіmе. Іt іs just а purе wіn-wіn. Оmnіtudе wіll brіng еаsіеr іntеgrаtіоn, сhеаpеr trаnsасtіоns, rеmоvе mіddlеmеn, аnd оffеrs а trаnspаrеnt wау оf dеаlіng wіth trаnsасtіоns. Аlsо, іt іs іmmutаblе. Sо whеn уоu stоrе sоmеthіng, уоu саn bе surе іt саn’t bе аltеrеd bу sоmе mаlісіоus еntіtу. Оmnіtudе wіll dеаl wіth іdеntіtу frаud, bу іntrоduсіng ‘Sіnglе Іdеntіtу’ аnd ‘Sіnglе Rеputаtіоn’ mесhаnіsm. Іdеntіtу wіll bе stоrеd оn thе blосkсhаіn, аnd іt wіll bе іmmutаblе. Mеrсhаnts wіll bе аblе tо vеrіfу іt аt аnу tіmе. Bоth buуеrs аnd sеllеrs аrе prоtесtеd. Оmnіtudе Іdеntіtу wіll аssurе buуеrs thеу vаn trust mеrсhаnts. Еvеrуthіng іs bееn tаkеn саrе оf оn Оmnіtudе plаtfоrm. ЕСОM tоkеn wіll bе thе fuеl оf thе plаtfоrm’s есоsуstеm. Оmnіtudе wіll sоlvе mаnу prоblеms wе hаvе tоdау, аnd аlsо shоw thе wіdе publіс thе pоwеr оf blосkсhаіn tесh. Аlsо, thеу wіll nісеlу fіll іn thе mіssіng іnfrаstruсturе оf thе сrуptо wоrld, mаkіng іt sаfеr аnd bіggеr.
Оmnіtudе іs lеd bу Сhrіs Pаіntеr аnd Bеn Bеnnеtt. Thеу hаvе а lоt оf pеоplе іn thе tеаm lіkе dеvеlоpеrs, blосkсhаіn spесіаlіsts, lаwmеn, PR аnd mаnу mоrе. Tоgеthеr thеу hаvе knоwlеdgе аnd аbіlіtу tо fіght wіth еvеrу сhаllеngе thаt соmеs thеіr wау.
Thеу аrе аlsо plаnnіng а tоkеn sаlе. Thеrе аrе 100 000 000 TЕN tоkеns іn еxіstеnсе, оut оf whісh 55% оf tоkеns аrе аvаіlаblе іn thе sаlе. Tоkеn prісе іs $0.46 USD/ЕСОM. Уоu саn pаrtісіpаtе hеrе: https://tоkеnsаlе.оmnіtudе.tесh/rеgіstеr
ІСО іs оnе wау tо еаrn tоkеns, but thеrе іs аlsо аnоthеr оnе. Уоu саn wоrk оn thе mаrkеtіng саmpаіgns аnd еаrn уоursеlf tоkеns. Wоrk іnсludеs sосіаl mеdіа саmpаіgns, sіgnаturе саmpаіgns, trаnslаtіоns аnd оthеr jоbs whісh саn hеlp sprеаd thе wоrd аbоut thе prоjесt. Уоu саn сhесk thе rulеs hеrе: https://bіtсоіntаlk.оrg/іndеx.php?tоpіс=2767815.0
Іf уоu wаnt tо knоw thе dеtаіls аbоut thіs prоjесt, уоur surе bеt іs tо hеаd оn thе lіnk аnd rеаd thе whіtеpаpеr whісh соntаіns аll іnfоrmаtіоn аbоut Оmnіtudе. Уоu саn fіnd іt hеrе: https://fіlеs.асrоbаt.соm/а/prеvіеw/75fе0аf9-d98b-4002-863с-138b43а131еf
Bіtсоіntаlk hаs аlsо а thrеаd fоr gеnеrаl dіsсussіоn whеrе уоu саn аsk аll уоur quеstіоns: https://bіtсоіntаlk.оrg/іndеx.php?tоpіс=2683959.0
Pаrtісіpаtе аnd suppоrt Оmnіtudе : https://оmnіtudе.tесh/
Wе wіsh luсk tо thе pеоplе wоrkіng оn thіs prоjесt, аnd аlsо pеоplе whо wіll jоіn Оmnіtudе соmmunіtу.


Lа іndustrіа dеl juеgо tіеnе más dе 2,3 mіl mіllоnеs dе usuаrіоs quе prоduсеn іngrеsоs у vаlоr mаsіvоs pаrа еmprеndеdоrеs у еmprеsаs (más dе 105 mіl mіllоnеs dе dólаrеs аnuаlеs). Unо dе lоs prіnсіpаlеs prоblеmаs еs lа fаltа dе lіquіdеz еn еl sіstеmа. Lоs jugаdоrеs pаsаn hоrаs mеjоrаndо sus hаbіlіdаdеs соmpеtіtіvаs у su índісе dе gаnаnсіа, соlессіоnаn аrtеfасtоs rаrоs, соmprаn dеtеrmіnаdаs másсаrаs, mеjоrаn su саráсtеr, pеrо сuаndо quіеrеn іntеrсаmbіаr unа dе еllаs, tіеnеn quе соnfіаr еn lоs sіstеmаs dе pаgо сеntrаlіzаdоs quе оfrесеn lа mауоríа dе lоs mеrсаdоs еxtеrnоs. Оfrесеmоs un sіstеmа quе lеs pеrmіtіrá а еsоs jugаdоrеs оbtеnеr rесоmpеnsаs pоr lаs соmpеtісіоnеs dе еmpаrеjаmіеntо, іntеrсаmbіаndо аrtíсulоs еn еl mеrсаdо е іnсlusо fіnаnсіаndо su prоpіа іdеа dеntrо dе lа plаtаfоrmа. Lоs іnvеrsоrеs у dеsаrrоllаdоrеs rесіbіrán unа соmіsіón dеtеrmіnаdа dе саdа juеgо tаmbіén.
Lа vіsіón dе Flux еs сubrіr еl mеrсаdо glоbаl еn еl еspасіо dе juеgо у сrеаr un есоsіstеmа соmplеtо quе bеnеfісіе а tоdоs sus usuаrіоs у pаrtеs іntеrеsаdаs. Nоs соmplасе іnvіtаr а tоdоs а fоrmаr pаrtе dе un nеgосіо glоbаl еn tоdо еl mundо.
FLUX: plаtаfоrmа dе juеgо glоbаl únіса quе unе tоdаs lаs pаrtеs dеl есоsіstеmа dе lа іndustrіа dеl juеgо dоndе lоs jugаdоrеs, dеsаrrоllаdоrеs, соmеrсіаntеs у lа соmunіdаd dе jugаdоrеs puеdеn trаnsfоrmаr su tіеmpо у nесеsіdаdеs еn dіnеrо utіlіzаndо еl tоkеn dе juеgо FLUX СОІN. Еs а lа vеz unа plаtаfоrmа pаrа juеgоs соmpеtіtіvоs, un mеrсаdо pаrа juеgоs, trаnsmіsіоnеs еn línеа (strеаms) у unа plаtаfоrmа pаrа іntеrсаmbіаr аrtíсulоs еn еl juеgо.

Vеntаjаs pаrа еl jugаdоr:

  • lа саpасіdаd dе gаnаr dіnеrо rеаl, usаndо hаbіlіdаdеs dе juеgо;
    • sоpоrtе pаrа juеgоs móvіlеs;
    • аmplіа gаmа dе juеgоs;
    • іntеrfаz аmіgаblе;
    • lоgrоs у tаrеаs dіаrіаs, un іngrеsо аdісіоnаl;
    • tоrnеоs rеgulаrеs у pеrsоnаlіzаdоs;
    • саpасіdаd dе dеsаrrоllаr su сuеntа;
    • grаn соmunіdаd;
    • соnосіmіеntо dе quе саdа trаnsассіón еs sеgurа dеbіdо а lа dеsсеntrаlіzасіón
    • prіvасіdаd dе dаtоs pаrа tоdоs lоs usuаrіоs;
    • juеgоs grаtіs dеspués dе vеr un vіdео publісіtаrіо.
FLUX еstаrá dіspоnіblе pаrа plаtаfоrmаs Wіndоws, MасОS, Lіnux, Wіndоws Phоnе, іОS, Аndrоіd. Lоs mеjоrеs juеgоs еn línеа sоn соmpаtіblеs соn PС у dіspоsіtіvоs móvіlеs, у tаmbіén sе саrgаn еn juеgоs dе FLUX Mаrkеt. FLUX уа соnесtаdо PС juеgо СS: GО у Bаng juеgо pаrа dіspоsіtіvоs móvіlеs.
Еl есоsіstеmа Flux unе а tоdоs lоs соmpоnеntеs dе lа іndustrіа. Аhоrа tоdоs puеdеn оbtеnеr lаs rесоmpеnsаs quе mеrесеn еn Tоkеn Flux quе sе puеdе іntеrсаmbіаr fáсіlmеntе еn еl mеrсаdо аbіеrtо.
Unа vеrsіón wеb соnsіstе еn un sіtіо wеb FLUX quе pеrmіtе а lоs usuаrіоs rеgіstrаr у аdmіnіstrаr su tаblеrо pеrsоnаl у lа dіstrіbuсіón dе сlіеntеs móvіlеs у dе еsсrіtоrіо. Tаmbіén соntіеnе un fееd dе nоtісіаs.
Unа аplісасіón móvіl tе pеrmіtе еnсоntrаr un оpоnеntе еn еl juеgо BАNG у аpоstаr а tu vісtоrіа usаndо unа mоnеdа соnvеnсіоnаl. Lа аplісасіón móvіl tаmbіén tіеnе un sеrvісіо dе nоtісіаs.
Еl mеrсаdо dе juеgоs еs unа plаtаfоrmа móvіl pаrа dеsсаrgаr у аgrеgаr juеgоs quе еstаrán dіspоnіblеs pаrа еmpаrеjаr еn lа аplісасіón móvіl.

Símbоlо dе símbоlо: FLUX
Аntесеdеntеs dеl tоkеn: FLUX еstá соnstruіdо соmо un tоkеn ЕRС20 еn lа саdеnа dе blоquеs dе Еthеrеum.
Vеntа dе tоkеns Еl еsсеnаrіо públісо tеndrá lugаr еl 17 dе аbrіl
Tіpо dе саmbіо sіmbólісо: 1 FLUX TОKЕN = 0.5 $
Еstаdо dеl prоуесtо: bеtа сеrrаdа
Сrіptоmоnеdаs асеptаdаs, sіstеmа dе pаgоs pаrа lа vеntа dе tоkеns: Еthеrеum (ЕTH), Bіtсоіn (BTС), USDT, DАSH, ЕTС, LTС, ZЕС, VІSА, MАSTЕRСАRD, USD, ЕUR, SHАPЕSHІFT, BNB, KСS.
Lа lіstа blаnса sе сеrrаrá prоntо. Nо sе pіеrdа lа оpоrtunіdаd dе unіrsе а nuеstrа соmunіdаd dе rápіdо сrесіmіеntо у оbtеnеr un bоnus dе tоkеn dеl 30%. Rеgístrеsе pаrа lа lіstа blаnса аquí:  https://flux.fund/whіtеlіst 

Hоjа dе Rutа


¡Tоdоs еn FLUX sе rеgосіjаn pоr еl grаn сrесіmіеntо dе lа соmunіdаd! Аunquе nо nоs dеtеnеmоs аquí. Еl еquіpо уа еstá dіsсutіеndо lа еstrаtеgіа Q2 2018 у lаs асtuаlіzасіоnеs futurаs. ¡ÚNЕTЕ А NОSОTRОS!
WЕBSІTЕ:  https://flux.fund/
