воскресенье, 18 февраля 2018 г.


Cardstack is the level of experience of the decentralized Internet. They believe that the organization of the regular meetings with customers on the block chain and the cloud is important for decentralization to the mass market.
Cardstack offers a new global economic model for financing and supporting software. This model will distribute awards fairly among all software companies. 
Cardstack is a way of applying a revolutionary experience that makes block-chain technology more useful and scalable; creating a centralized software ecosystem that can compete unevenly with digital platforms.
The principle of decentralization Cardstack allows the dominant users to act as their centers; so that interaction with applications and services running on different topologies.
The Cardstack team developed this platform using a decentralized system that provides an open source framework and the Blockchain protocol that can be used in decentralized software ecosystems. Cardstack opens the opportunity for everyone to discover their potential in the Internet world. Users can directly mix and match functions from multiple applications or dApps without having to worry about the application being messy or split. Users can directly use the Cardstack Framework, a comprehensive SDK, to create powerful and powerful block-based applications.
Product Highlights
1. Decentralized user experience
The client can start, organize, organize, and set transactions, that are facilitated locally (ie, through the counter) with the help of cloud-based developers. Equalities with conventional single-function applications are not enough. The vision of various applications and digiApps working in harmony generates a generation leap with the participation of customers with regard to the ability to build and interoperability.
2, The Rise of Card Based Ui
Each part is really small, embodied and similar to a physical map that can be installed, attached, autofilamented, connected, activated, expanded, shaped, cloned, and approved as a function of a strong client experience; he unceremoniously touches various clouds and chains.
3. You have your own hub
Inside Cardstack design, especially in peer-to-peer mode, all clients are completely in control of their level of information composition, called the Cardstack Hub, which is located between the client interface and the connections.
4. Data and code live together
Cardstack is a plug-in event source, the search for the first publicly released application structure to create distributed and, in addition, decentralized application systems. In the Cardstack center, there is the possibility that information, content and code in current applications are advancing and changing in unison.
5. Card system in motion
A remarkable preferred point of view on maps as the worldview of the user interface is that they fit nicely into the four edges of the smartphone, which is much preferable even on the best sites. Passing beyond the factor of their extremely compressed form, the cards are personified as physical objects: they can move or leave the field of view with a funker, be tied or attached to a linked card you would expect.
To influence this physical map image in order to feel authentic and manipulative, the Cardstack group has and will continue to invest in the formation of convincing traffic patterns on the platform,
6. Reusable container components for applications (D)
The Cardstack team has just written out a descriptive unit that is captured by the attributes of the Web content management structure and, in addition, to the discoverer, who can form the premise of a customized structure of recommendations. Currently, they take care of the negotiations and management flows.
With the help of Cardstack Tokens, customers buy credits to use programming in the biological system, while creators and miners are relatively rewarded for information about use, etc.
End users and participants can get enthusiastic about Cardstack Tokens (CST) by storing ethers from their wallets in the middle of the Token Generating Event (TGE) or later through distributed exchanges. 
As necessary, the CST can be converted into the Software and Service Coupons (SSC), which are then sent to the contract with the application for the creation of a Conservation Agreement. Changed through the CST, the backup pool is backed up to the point that the next pricing cycle is activated by the block clock.
At the time when the client begins to use the application (s), the information collects information and is periodically interrupted to prove that this particular client has recovered a portion of the latch adjustment.
Historical experience in the field of health care, complaints, as well as other compilations of the collection of information and measurable studies, the system-wide award agreement, validation the attribution and award to builders and excavators in the biological community of Cardstack. They care about the material costs, as well as the rewards and royalties for the groups.
More detailed information about the project you can find here:

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