вторник, 6 февраля 2018 г.


Persona is a block-based, identity-based management solution that allows people to easily update their shared data with various third-party organizations.
Persona uses ARCH blockchain technology and other advanced technologies to provide reliable and complete identification solutions. This product meets the requirements of the GDPR and provides a safe means of storing, sharing and processing data.
Persona is designed as a decentralized application without a single point of failure, saving all encrypted entries. Individuals have control over the detailing of the details they want. With the launch of Bitcoin in late 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto offered to take a look at the technology behind the decentralization of the network, the block chain.
Key points of Blockchain technology:
  1. Replace the reseller: there is no need for a reliable site that can be trusted by both parties involved in the transaction.
  2. Decentralization: there is no single point of failure, when it is  
    almost impossible to attack the network.
  3. Immutability: notes written in Blockchain exist forever,  
    can not be changed
Persona uses the Blockchain feature, which allows companies to offer KYC services to third parties and use their respective services. Overview The process has two levels: Community and Professional KYC.

The main goal of the person:

  1. use Identification management services for individuals based on the apabis proposal technology;
  2. Protect individual personal data. Although it is clear that a person will need to provide detailed information for various subjects, they do not have control over him afterwards. Person putting people back in the driver's seat;
  3. empower each person and give them power, what he shares and with whom, when he is dating about the person and their personal details;
  4. allow third parties trusted with personal data that enrich their services, offering trust as a service;
  5. to prevent counterfeit news, by providing a decentralized identity management system, the person will ensure the level of trust, we all need, as we rely on news; based on the profile
  6. rationalize the attachment process, since someone has probably already checked out some of the people in the system;
Architectural technology (unit design)
Persona will use Blockchain (Distributed Ledger Technology) technology to manage user permissions, approval transactions and identity proofs. We are deploying our own block chain called "The Persona Blockchain", which has the following characteristics:
  • DPOS blockchain with 51 branch delegates from capchain ark (ark.io)
  • Blockchain will be public and will interact with other companies through Smart Bridges. Smart Bridge allows the links to communicate between information and other means of distribution.
  • Persona will integrate initially a block-level solution such as IPFS, sharing documents and files between users.

Type of person KYC

The first level is represented by  
peer-reviewed peers. These are joint efforts that encourage people to confirm the identity of documents and the identity of the person. People who offer verification services will be displayed on the Persona website. PRS. You will be rewarded for checking by. The threshold for verification is shown below
Instructions are divided into several levels depending on the number of reviews. The maximum percentage is 90%. The remaining 10% can be achieved only if the private partner (institution, utility or company) recognizes the validity of the data.
Sales calendar for calendars / tokens
Private sale: 15.12.2017-15.01.2018  
 Total sales I: 01/23 / 2018-30 / 01/2018  
 Total sales II: 01.02.2018-08.02.2017  
 Total sales of the III: 09.02.2017-16.02.2018  
 Distribution of the tokens: 03/03/2018
Personal Security Key (PRS)
The number of tokens to be seeded will be 100,000,000 PRS. The price of one PRS token is $ 0.2. Total distribution for 100 000 000 PRS:
70 000 000 PRS is allocated for TGE. 15.000.000 PRS is allocated to a team consisting of founders. the tokens allocated to the team will be held for three years, broken down into annual payments as follows:
10% in the genesis; 
 30% after 12 months  
 30% after 24 months  
 30% after 36 months  
 12.000.000 PRS allocated to the Character Launch Fund  
 1,000,000 PRS is allocated to the advisers. Tokens allocated to the adviser should be used within 6 months. 
 2 000 000 PRS allocated for gift
More detailed information about the project can be found under the link:

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